when the nights grew long

rituals and prayers to celebrate mabon - the witch’s thanksgiving

Demeter (1).png

mabon is the transitional period of honoring the goddess as she returns to the underworld. in ancient greece, this sacred day was brought to life through the storytelling of persephone and demeter. in celtic traditions, the diety cernnunos would burrow into the underworld to return in the spring rejuvenated as the green man.

we find stories of similar traits around the world : this day ushers in balance, harmony and harvest where we can relish in all that we’ve created for ourselves since the last equinox - march, 2021.

if you’re looking for a goddess to connect to, demeter could support you in harvesting the fruits of your labor. she presides over the grains, the fertility of the earth and the harvest in general.

crystals: black tourmaline as a stone for protection, especially good for empaths or those with a trauma response of people pleasing

candles: orange is a sweet color to add to your ritual. it represents harvest, abundance and attracting more of it!

simple rituals to celebrate mabon

🕯️candle magick: journal on all the things you are grateful for between now and march of 2021. reflect back on all the dreams you set into motion, boundaries you set and clarity you gained. get an orange candle, hold it in your hands, infusing it with gratitude. light an orange candle on your altar and allow it to burn out naturally, trusting the unfolding of life as we descend down into the darker nights and shorter days of fall

🕯️ spell magick: cast a spell for more abundance! this ritual is written by inked goddess creations and full credit goes to them!

  • cleanse your space and ground into your body

  • cast your formation

  • call to the directions/quarters

  • Cast your spell for balance. Here is an example, written by them

As Autumn brings balance to night and day,

Let there be balance between work and play.

May we live our lives harmoniously

And in tune with Nature’s melody.

As Sun is to Moon

And midnight is to noon,

Let there be balance in all that we do.

May we know our inner light, and our inner darkness, too.

you can choose to light a candle before the prayer, hold a crystal that brings you balance or simply recite the words out loud.

  • thank the 4 directions/quarters and any dieties you worked with

  • close your circle

  • integrate the magick

if you wish to continue working with the energy of balance, harmony + gratitude, consider joining our community for an online new moon in libra ceremony.


celebrate the taurus lunar eclipse november 2022: embody your highest self + breakthrough to a new timeline


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