the spiritual significance of the summer solstice 2023

© Julia Lehman photography

ancient cultures all over the world have celebrated the Summer Solstice as the beginning of Summer.


for those of us in the Northern Hemisphere, this powerful portal is on June 21st 2023 at approximately 10:57am EDT.

this is the point in time when our home planet is the closest to our solar system’s sun, opening up space for us to transform.

in summer you are subtly being invited to step into your highest timeline and the summer solstice begins that new timeline.

the metaphorical and spiritual experience of this season is what i call inner summer.

what is inner summer?

This fiery season is all about expansion, nudging you to increase your self-confidence and go for what it is that you really want!

Once buried beneath the societal conditioning and programming lay your authentic desires: the pulsating force that swells within, leading you to experience more pleasure, passion + playful energy.

Inner Summer isn’t a time to play small or give in to disempowering beliefs.

This is the Season where you can put down your bashfulness and trade it for Jonathan Van Ness-esque swag and authenticity.

pictured is a photo from the emmy's of jonathan van ness (JVN) who is one of the inspiring hosts of Queer Eye.  They are non-binary and have a powerful presence with authenticity.

jonathan van ness at the emmy’s

inner summer symbolically represents the time when you are increasing your sense of belonging, authenticity and increasing your abundant mindset.


Belonging is a feeling of support and safety that arises when there is a sense of inclusion, acceptance, and shared identity.

When you feel a sense of belonging, you are able to relax into a state of being that is more open, receptive, and loving.

a huge inspiration behind why i am creating my online membership community is because of my own yearning for belonging + connecting with soul family.

interestingly, you are not only creating belonging with others, but also with yourself!

This Season, how can you give every part of you a seat at the table (Your Highest Self, Inner Child, Inner Teen, Shadow, etc.)?

We live in a mirror Universe, where the things you believe about yourself will be reflected back to you as your perception of reality.

If you do not allow parts of yourself to belong, it will be difficult to believe you belong in community!

In many ways, this Season is about deepening your sense of self-love through giving yourself permission to feel whatever it is you’re feeling, moment to moment and day by day.

on the summer solstice, create intentional space to check in with your heart + affirm that your feelings belong. practice holding yourself as you would a dear friend.

© Julia Lehman photography


When you give yourself permission to follow what brings you Joy, you become magnetic!

When you feel afraid of judgment, this can stifle your authentic self-expression and block your magnetism, as you’re sending out confusing signals to the Universe.

At the root of fear of judgment, though, is actually a projection of inner judgements that you hold towards yourself.

You will never feel threatened by judgment from others if you aren’t judging yourself.

this summer solstice, journal on what you really want more of in your life. notice the emotions that arise and consider nurturing any limiting beliefs or self judgements that show up.

a silhouetted image of a person standing under the milky way with arms outstretched confidently to the sky. this is symbolism for abundance.


the summer solstice is the opening day of a powerful abundance portal that builds and peaks on lion’s gate (august 8th, 2023), eventually closing on the autumn equinox (september 23rd, 2023).

this window (between june 21st and september 23rd) is a very powerful space to do manifestation work, raising your sense of self worth and welcoming in more prosperity.

in my lion’s gate course, i teach students the energetics of money. students felt this course was transformational in shifting up the way they viewed abundance and the subconscious narratives around money.

your birthright is abundance, but due to societal conditioning, the viewpoints of your caretakers or other influences, you may have been swayed to have money dysmorphia.

money dysmorphia is when you feel insecure or unsafe with your finances and may include being in debt, lack mindset, hoarding money, or conflating money with self worth.

this summer solstice, set intentions around your birthright to receive and consider looking into the ways you can disentangle your subconscious feelings of safety and security from money.

a double exposure photo of a woman looking at herself to symbolically represent abundance and authenticity on a blog about the summer solstice 2023

© Julia Lehman photography


here are 6 radiant ways to celebrate the summer solstice with easy spiritual rituals and energetic cleansing techniques!

  1. Sunbathe: set intentions for the season of summer + then go lay in the sun! imagine that as the solar rays make their way into your energy body, that they are supercharging your self confidence, authenticity + passions just like you charge up your cell phone. be sure to set positive, loving-kind intentions before you lay down, as the power of thought amplifies this easy ritual!

  2. rearrange or “feed” your altar: the summer solstice represents new beginnings. use this day to refresh your altar by adding things like fresh flowers, dried herbs, photos of ancestors, or other items that represent the elements or the themes of summer that you’re calling in.

  3. work with fire: ancient cultures would build massive bonfires and purge the old while welcoming in the new. consider burning summer herbs, items that can’t be recycled and hold a dense energetic charge, or writing down 3 things you want to release + burn the paper in the fire

  4. cleanse/recharge your crystals: place your crystals outside all day to be charged by the sun + then leave them overnight to receive the moonlight. bonus: set intentions + meditate over your crystals while sun bathing!

  5. watch the sunset: the sunset represents completion. You can sit + watch the sunset as you reflect on this first part of the year! what did you learn? in what ways have you grown? what habits/beliefs are you ready to release with this second half of the year? who are you becoming?

  6. journal: you can go back to the sections on belonging, authenticity + abundance to look at the prompts for any of those themes for inspiration on what to journal on.

do you want to journey deeper?

are you wanting to dive deeper into alchemical work this summer and increase your sense of belonging, manifest soul family, feel more confident or call in more abundance?

here are 3 awesome ways to take the concepts in this transmission to a whole new level:

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did you love this post or have follow up questions?👇🏽 drop a comment below so I know you popped by!

about carleena

Carleena Lara Bregatta is an author, spiritual coach, embodiment mentor and teacher.

She teaches people how to return to the ancient art of cyclical living, sharing tools on how to inner resource safety, sovereignty and freedom.

Her creative work weaves together modern neuroscience with Five Element Theory and Tantrik Yogic Philosophy for a multi-faceted approach to trauma healing, self empowerment and soulful self discovery.

she is the author of the akashic alchemist: a cyclical guide to remembering your soul’s ancient wisdom.

Carleena is a certified Usui Reiki Master, 800 Hour E-RYT (Experienced Registered Yoga Teacher), a certified hypnotherapist & past life regression therapist and holds B.A. of Psychology and M.A. of International Relations.

She has been teaching yoga and meditation for over ten years and routinely facilitates yoga teacher trainings, reiki attunements, group immersions and retreats across the United States and internationally.

learn more about carleena


abundance is your birth right


honoring the winter solstice (yule) + celebrating what was of 2022